Scott G Sanders

Out of the Duck, the AquaDuck

Out of the Duck

One of the first riders of the cruise goes for a ride on the AquaDuck on the Disney Dream.  This section of the water coaster extends over the ship above the water.


The AquaDuck is a thrilling water coaster accessible on Deck 12 Aft aboard both the Disney Dream and the Disney Fantasy.  Riders are propelled at high speeds through an acrylic tube on a breathtaking journey up, down, around and off the side of the ship, through the Forward Funnel and—following a mammoth drop—into a lazy river.


Developed by Disney Imagineers, this elevated water coaster travels 765 feet and features exciting twists, turns and plunges. It was designed for adults and children at least 42″ or taller. Single riders must be at least 54″ or taller. Children under 7 must ride with someone 14 years of age or older, provided the child is at least 42″ tall.


The AquaDuck affords breathtaking views of the ocean and ship below—that is, if you’re brave enough to keep your eyes open during this exciting ride! It also offers a bird’s-eye view of the exciting new pools available to family, kids and adults on the Disney Dream.



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